Merry Christmas Mom!

Dear Mother Goose,

I figured it was time you had your little corner of the internet world, so welcome to your new website! (Don't worry... a Maelin Harris tutorial is included in this gift).

Mom, I'm so thankful for you and your guidance, unconditional support, and constant encouragement. From digging through Dillard's to find the perfect outfit, to carefully boxing me up for my new adventure in NYC, you've been there every step of the way. I know I joke about it a lot, but being away from home and from you all is tougher than you know. My homesickness is a testament to you, Dad, John, and the stinky kitty...Thanks for making it so hard to say goodbye.

I can't wait to see the posts you create, the advice you give, and the beautiful images you curate.

Love you forever,

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